Blazing Trails, Following Trends: The Intern Spotlight With Mason Hill

College isn’t for everyone. We’ve long heard this. But the idea is gaining steam faster than ever. In April, The Wall Street Journal ran a story titled, “How Gen Z Is Becoming the Toolbelt Generation.” It detailed how, not only is there a worker shortage in the skilled trades, but also how the perceived value of a college education has dropped in recent years. Apprenticeship programs run by forward-thinking companies like Phoenix Mecano are stepping up to fill this need and, as far as Mason Hill is concerned, doing a good job at it. Hill came to Phoenix Mecano as an intern through a program at Oakdale High School. 

“I love it here,” he says. “I’m working with people who have a lot of experience at what they do, and everyone I’ve met is willing to take the time to help me learn. And equally importantly, I would say, the people that work here are just so friendly. Everyone is nice to me. It’s an amazing place to be on so many levels, since I first stepped through the door.”

Hill’s position at Phoenix Mecano is Machine Apprentice/Operator. But while he loves the work, it isn’t the kind of trade he expected to find himself doing. Hill: “In terms of my future, I’ve always been a guy trying to go the trade route. But when I started looking into an internship, I was originally looking for an HVAC apprenticeship. In fact, I applied to one and didn’t get it. But I saw this internship, read the description, and thought, huh, that seems like a pretty interesting thing to do. So I applied, I interviewed, and I got the job.”

Hill’s typical day, Monday through Thursday, is as follows: He leaves school around 12:30 to start his job at Phoenix Mecano at 1:30. He meets up with the person training him that day and starts his work. Hill is finished there by 4:30. Then it’s back home to do things like homework, which he’ll (happily) be done with once he graduates in May.

“There are so many applicants for internships and apprenticeships,” says Hill. “Whether it’s here at Phoenix Macano or somewhere else, most places typically take only one person. So everyone knows that they’re really hard to get. But if you do get one, you’re looked upon by your classmates like, whoa, you got such-and-such a job. That’s cool.”

Working as a machining apprentice at Phoenix Mecano has been such an eye opener for Hill that, rather than pursue a career in HVAC or plumbing, he’s now hoping to be brought on full-time after graduation by Phoenix Mecano. Again, Hill: “I’ve talked to friends and family, and even people I work with about the idea, and I tell them I can definitely see myself working here or even somewhere else as a machinist. The beauty of an internship like this is, if you end up not liking the job you don’t have to do it. You can always choose another career path. But it gives you the opportunity to find out.”

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